Use this form to make your donation. If you wish to donate via wire transfer, please check "Offline Payment" as your payment method. We'll send you an email with details on how to transfer funds either in Mexico, or in the USA.
All PayPal donations are made to VYC's PayPal account and will include a small transaction fee.
When you choose the Offline Payment option, you can make your donation either directly to one of the VYC bank accounts, or in cash at the club. You'll get an email with bank information for wire transfers.
Want to donate by credit or debit card? Choose PayPal as your payment, and then select "Pay using Debit or Credit Card" when the PayPal screen appears.
Paseo de Los Cocoteros #55
Local 1201 Col. Nuevo Vallarta
Bahia de Banderas
Nayarit CP 63735 +52 (322) 297-2222 Latitude: 20° 41.8867' N
Longitude: 105° 17.7630' W