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February 2019

VYC Board Meeting
Vallarta Yacht Club

March 2019

Annual General Member Meeting

Member Meeting Pic

This is an official once-a-year, members-only meeting in which the officers and directors present information on the State of the Club. The members also vote on a slate of officers for the upcoming year. All members are encouraged to attend!  


Change of Watch, Jim Ketler Memorial Award, & Volunteer Luncheon

Come to the ceremony to honor the outgoing club officers and honor the new ones. Celebrate our wonderful volunteers and congratulate the winner of the annual Jim Ketler Award for service to the community.

Vallarta Yacht Club

April 2019

Board Meeting

waiting for the first board meeting where is food Come to the new Board's first meeting. An agenda will be sent by email and posted at the club.There will be time for member comments to the Board, but there won't be food.

Vallarta Yacht Club

November 2019

VYC Opening Day


2019 Fall Opening Day Ceremony: Mariachis, Flag raising, followed by canapes in the club. Dinner available afterward. Public welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

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