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January 2023

Sunday Pot luck

potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

Everyone is welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

Sunday Pot luck

potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

Everyone is welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

Sunday Pot luck

potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

Everyone is welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

Sunday Pot luck

potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

Everyone is welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

February 2023

Sunday Pot luck

potluck The Sundays Pot Luck  will continue,  Join us  for  dinner. The grill will be fired up, and you can use dishes from the VYC 

As our good friend Bob O'hara used to say, "Bring something to grill and something to share". it's a great way to connect with friends.

Everyone is welcome.


Vallarta Yacht Club

March 2023

Let's talk hiking with Wendy Wendy!

hiker.webpWhen we venture off the city sidewalks, into nature, we discover a whole naturally evolving world.

Our very own living, growing, and ever changing natural landscapes. What's the best part of these adventures, YOU don't have to maintain it, just walk in and enjoy different life cycles happening before your very eyes!

Some of the topics discussed will include safety, terrain ranging from easy to difficult, wildlife, why our climate is different, and a few more important points.

So let's mark our calendars for March 13, 2023! Don't be shy, and please bring a friend!

I look forward to sparking a new interest in you at VYC!


Vallarta Yacht Club

October 2023

Birth day Dinner

Dinner for 30 at the patio 

Vallarta Yacht Cub

December 2023

Panama Posse Presentation

Panama_Posse.jpegMeet Captain Dietmar, founder of Panama Posse, an inspiring sailor and adventurer. His love for the sea began in Austria, leading to extraordinary journeys. In 2017, he initiated Panama Posse, now a massive yacht rally with 333 yachts. This sailing community offers transformative voyages through Central and South America, fostering connections among sailors of all levels. It's flexible, encouraging exploration without set schedules, showcasing stunning destinations and vibrant cultures. Join us to hear all about the Panama Posse.

Vallarta Yacht Club

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