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January 2021

Bi - Weekly Special

01 08 blackeyedpeas Festival de Moles

 Tortilla Soup / Sopa de Tortilla 

 your Choice of Enchiladas, Chile relleno, or   Chicken with your favorite mole  

 House dessert  $ 395.00 Guest $ 495.00


Vallarta Yacht Club

February 2021

Dia de San Valentin / Valentines Day

VYC te invita este dia de San Valentin a disfrutar de una deliciosa cena de 3 tiempos  amenizado con musica romantica ambiental  


  • Bisquet de Crustaceos  ó  Ensalada  de Citricos y mescla de lechugas babys  con aderezo de maracuya 
  • Filete de  Res  Con Salsa Rosa  con  guarnicion de verduras baby al vapor y Polenta
  • Postre: Lava Cake 


VYC invite you to join us to celebrate Valentine's Day. We will serve 3 course meal  with the ambience of  romantic music 


  • Crustaceans bísquet or Citrus salad with mix of baby lettuce and  Maracuya Dressing
  • Beef fillet with pink sauce Steam Vegetables and polenta
  • Dessert: Lava Cake                     

Precio // Price  $ 550.00 pesos  or 28 US dollars for members

Guest Price  $ 680.00 or 34 US dollars

Reservation prepaid required

We have a maximum capacity for 38 between the patio and inside dining area  please make your reservation

Debido al cupo limitado a 38 personas entre el patio y el area cerrada , agradeceremos su reservacion


Vallarta Yacht Club

WesMex International Small Boat Regatta

wesmextall clear dateWesMex International Small Boat Regatta has become the biggest sailing event in Mexico, and just keeps getting bigger and better. This year we are expecting more than 150 competitors in Optimist, Laser, C420, RS:X, BIC Techno, and Hobie 16. Sign up now at

Interested in volunteering? There are plenty of opportunities on and off the water. Contact for more details.

Vallarta Yacht Club

March 2021

Show Music dinner

Estan invitados / You are invited :

el proximo Miercoles  Marzo 17 / Next                  Wednesday March. 17th at 6:30 pm 

A  Nuestro primera noche de musica en vivo con la hermosa voz de Yoselin Bastar  

Our first night with live music with the beatifull voice of the professional singer  Yoselin Bastar

Vallarta Yacht Club

April 2021

Change of Watch With Checko Ruiz Dinner Show

checkocome and join us for this traditional ceremony of the change of watch

Vallarta Yacht Club

Dinner Show with Yoselyn Bastar

Yoselin BastarY va de Nuevo / here we go again ...........

el proximo Miercoles  Abril 14 / Next                  Wednesday Abril. 14th at 5:30 pm 

estas invitado a disfrutar de la espectacular voz  voz de Yoselin Bastar  

you are invited to enjoy the Espectacular voice of  Yoselin Bastar


Menu : 

Ensalada de Pera asada / Pear Salad 


Crema de Almeja / Clam Chowder  


A su eleccion  /  Your choice

  • Pez Melba ( Filete de Pescado montado en Pan Melba, sobre Rissoto y espinaca baby )  / Fish filet over melba bread,  Rissoto and Bady spinach.
  • Molote Acayu ( Sabana de res Rellena con flor de calabaza y pure de camote ) Roll of Beef tenderloin stuffed with pumpkin and mash sweet potato
  • Brownie con nueces / Brownie with walnuts 

 Members Price PP. $ 500.00 pesos 

We have a Limited  capacity so..  please make your reservation 

          Debido al cupo limitado , agradeceremos su reservacion 


Vallarta Yacht Club

Cheese Burgers & Jimmy Buffet Music

buffett 150Hola todos / Hi Every one 

Te gustan las hamburguesas ? muchos de nuestros meimbros dicen que el club cocina una de las mejores hambueguesas de la bahia y estamos de acuerdo, combinemos eso con la musica de jimmy Buffett y sera una noche placentera.Salsa Mexican y Guacamole y enseguida la hambueguesa a tu eleccion ya sea de Carne, de Pollo ó de Camaron 

solo $ 250.00 pesos socios

Do you love VYC's cheeseburgers? Many have said that VYC  makes the best burgers in Banderas Bay, and we agree! Combine those great burgers with the king of Caribbean Soul, Jimmy Buffett, and you have a great evening! next Wednesday April 21  at 6pm

Guacamole dipp and Mexican sauce with chips and one Big Burger  your choice of Beef , Chicken or Shrimp with potato wedge or regular fries

250.00 pesos members

We have a limited capacity   please make your reservation 

          Tenemos cupo limitado , agradeceremos su reservacion 


Vallarta Yacht Club

May 2021

Dinner with Live music by Duo

guitarras Ven y disfruta con nosotros de la musica en vivo

 come en join us with the live music 





Special Menu : 

Ensalada de espinacas baby garbanzos y tomate cherry con vinagreta de mango / Spinach salad with chickpeas and Mango vinaigrette


Crema de  Esparagos  / Asparagus Cream   


Lomo de Cerdo a la la Ciruela con pure de papa y vegetales asados / Pork loin with cherries sauce,  roast vegetables and Mash potato


Filete de pescado adobado con arroz jardinera / Fish filet marinated on adobo sauce with garden rice


Pay de manzana / Apple pie


$ 480.00 pesos Members 



Vallarta Yacht Club

Volunteers for 2021 OPTINAM

Volunteer for us – Irish Community Rapid ResponseThe 2021 Optimist North American Championship is just around the corner and it is a great opportunity to get involved.  There will be 113 competitors with coaches and Team Leaders in attendance.  Strict protocols will apply during the event with masks and social distancing.  Contact Lana Kelsey at for more information.

Vallarta Yacht Club

Optimist North American Championship

This is the forth time  that VYC has been host to the Optimist North American Championships. This year we will see 120 competitors from over 12 countries come to compete this important continental championship. We need volunteers! We have open volunteer positions onshore and on the water. It's a great way to get a front row seat to the sailing event of the season! Contact Lana Kelsey at or Linda at to let her know you want to help.

Vallarta Yacht Club

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