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February 2018

Regular Schedule for Lessons

Lunes y miercoles - avanzado

Martes y jueves - principiantes

Vallarta Yacht Club

Regular Schedule for Lessons

Lunes y miercoles - avanzado

Martes y jueves - principiantes

Vallarta Yacht Club

Regular Schedule for Lessons

Lunes y miercoles - avanzado

Martes y jueves - principiantes

Vallarta Yacht Club

Regular Schedule for Lessons

Lunes y miercoles - avanzado

Martes y jueves - principiantes

Vallarta Yacht Club

March 2018

WesMex International Small Boat Regatta


WesMex International Small Boat Regatta will bring in over 300 competitors from all over Mexico  as well as the United States, Canada, Guatemala and  Costa Rico.  You don't want to miss this great event!



Vallarta Yacht Club

June 2018

Optimist North American Championship

Logo Optinam 2 2This is the third time  that VYC has been host to the Optimist North American Championships. This year we will see 180 competitors from over 25 countries come to compete this important continental championship. We need volunteers! We have open volunteer positions onshore and on the water. It's a great way to get a front row seat to the sailing event of the season! Linda at to let her know you want to help.

Vallarta Yacht Club

July 2018

Curso intensivo de Navegacion a vela

1st Curso  de navegacion a vela/ Summer Sailing course 

Vallarta Yacht Club

Curso intensivo de Navegacion a vela

1st Curso  de navegacion a vela/ Summer Sailing course 

Vallarta Yacht Club

Curso intensivo de Navegacion a vela

1st Curso  de navegacion a vela/ Summer Sailing course 

Vallarta Yacht Club

November 2018

Regatta de Revolucion

rdrlogoEvery year, VYC hosts a regatta to commemorate Dia de la Revolucion. This year we are expecting Optimists, Lasers, C420s and sailboards for this event. This is the first club regatta of the season - come on out as a spectator or as a volunteer and enjoy the race!

Vallarta Yacht Club

Junior Program Events 

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