Summer 2024 Newsletter!
Discover what's new at Vallarta Yacht Club! Get insights from our Commodore, check out the latest club decor, and meet long-time member Andy Barrow, among other highlights.
Have an idea for our next newsletter? Share it with Annie Bloomquist at secretary@vallartayachtclub.org. All suggestions are welcome!
Why Be a Member of VYC?
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus is credited with the quote, “The only thing that is constant is change”. Those of us who have been members of Vallarta Yacht Club over the years have seen this bit of wisdom validated repeatedly.
So much has changed at VYC in the the past year: our moved from our home of 22 years, movement to a new, much larger space, a change in policy that allowed non-members to use the club's bar and restaurant, and the requirement to build out a space much bigger and more flexible than our previous clubhouse. Through all that, our members have done what they always do - stepped up to make our new space a home for our VYC family.
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