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Luncheon Seminar Series - Ann Carlos, Tortuga expert

Ann Carlos, Tortuga expert, will give a unique presentation on turtle habitat, protection and reproduction. 

Olive Ridley Sea Turtles nest all year on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Their most prolific period begins in July and ends in December. Now, in March, hatchlings are still being protected and helped to the sea.

She will also address the recent return and nesting of the giant leatherback turtles which have not been seen in Banderas Bay for many years.

Ann is a turtle head and director of AMA Mexico's Education Programs http://amamexico.org/.  AMA Mexico is a Mexican non-profit organization to preserve and educate the public about the Olive Ridley turtles.  AMA would also like to have the help of boaters in identifying the numbers and locations that we see the turtles in our travels.

The VYC's weekly luncheon seminar series featuring fun and educational presentations.

Dine in the company of adventurers (famous & infamous) who regale us with their yarns as well as experts, who fortify us with their practical knowledge.

Topics include almost anything of interest to folks who live and play on the bay.

Lunch service (Regular Menu) starts at 1145.

The program begins at 1245 sharp

The program will close no later than 1400.

The Yachtsman Luncheon Seminar series is open to both members and guests.

VYC member Al Burrow is the series Chairman, so if you know of a good speaker who has a favorite subject they would like to share, email Al at aaburrow@aol.com or call him at (322) 297-1545.

Who is invited:
Monday, 09 March 2009, 11:45 -  2:00

