Events Calendar
8:00 - 9:00 Food Drive
Let's help the local community - the VYC is collecting food for the PEACE “Protectors of the Community” program. Participants clean towns and recycle trash in return for a package of food. Working 2 hours provides ingredients for 10 meals. September is the toughest month - no tourists, no jobs, no way to feed a family. This program is a helping hand. Drop off food at the VYC Sept 1-30.
We are collecting:
• Dry beans in bags
• Dry rice in bags
• Boxed milk
• Pasta noodles
• Canned tuna
• Soup boullion
• Tomato paste
• Toilet paper
• Cooking oil
6:00 - 8:00 Sunday BBQ - Pot Luck
Join your friends for the weekly pot luck at VYC. Bring something to cook and something to share.
Vallarta Yacht Club
5:00 Monday Gaming Night!
Poker: 200 Peso buy in. All are welcome!
Baja Rummy
Mexican Train
Peso Mi!
Vallarta Yacht Club
7:00 - 9:00 BINGO!
Bob O'Hara is dusting off the balls and oiling up the cage. Join your friends for Bingo at VYC. Cash prizes based on number of players and games played. Come early for the weekly Mexican special, only 99 pesos!
Couples Baja Rummy