Events Calendar
8:00 - 12:00 Marina Residence Home Owners meeting
9:00 - 5:00 Ham Radio Exam
Ham Radio ExamVallarta VEC VE groupDate: Typically last Sunday of the month. Could be moved due to ClubactivitiesTime:Starts at 0900 with no time limit to finish the examAll elements (2, 3, and 4). Preregistration not required.Location: Vallarta Yacht Club, Paradise Village, NayaritSweet Thing or Promises on Channel 22 VHF orrandkohara@msn.comID – Bring a legal photo ID (drivers license, passport)COPY of license (if already a Ham) - If applicable, bring the originaland a photocopy of your current Amateur license and any Certificatesof Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you may hold fromprevious exam sessions that haven’t shown up on your license. Thephotocopy’s WON’T be returned.SSN or FRN – Know your Social Security Number (SSN) or your FCCFederal Registration Number (FRN). VEC’s are required by the FCC tosubmit either your SSN or FRN with your license application form. Forinstructions on how to register your SSN with the FCC and receive aFRN, visit and click onregister.$15US or $195PPencils, Pens, and a calculator – A calculator with the memory erasedand formulas cleared is allowed. You may not bring any written notescalculations into the exam.
5:00 Monday Gaming Night!
Poker: 200 Peso buy in. All are welcome!
Baja Rummy
Mexican Train
Peso Mi!
Vallarta Yacht Club
6:00 - 8:00 Gringo Bingo & Mexican Buffet
4:00 - 6:00 PPJ Seminar - Boat Systems and Spares - A Conversation wth "Teapot" Tony
Boat Systems and Spares
Countless boaters have benefited from "Teapot" Tony's extensive knowledge of and experience with boat systems. Tony is back by popular demand to share some of that knowledge. He will concentrate on engine systems and recommended spares, but also address other critical systems.
Teapot Tony
After some 28 years’ service, Tony Barker retired from the British Merchant Navy as Chief Engineer. Having travelled the world on ships of all sizes, in 2000 he decided upon Banderas Bay to open his own marine repair business. Being British and a tea drinker, "Teapot Tony" soon became his VHF radio name. Not limited to any one make of engine, he was soon labelled "the diesel guru" and has helped hundreds of cruisers, including troubleshooting by email.
Getting in and out of small spaces is now too painful for his bad back, so he officially retired from hands- on work at the end of 2010. However he is still available for consultations and instruction.
Marina Riviera Nayarit
7:00 - 9:00 Stick Horse Race