
Events Calendar

Saturday, 22 October 2016
  • 2:00 -  5:00  Women Who Sail

    womenwhosailThis October Women Who Sail is having a reunion meeting at the pool at La Cruz Inn that will include all the original speakers from the very first meet up there in February 2014. Women Who Sail was founded in 2011 by Charlotte Kaufman of the ill-fated vessel Rebel Heart. S/V Rebel Heart was scuttled at sea after their young daughter became ill and had to be rescued during the family's Pacific Crossing.

    Women Who Sail is a not for profit organization with over 9,000 members worldwide. All women on boats (both sail and power) are invited to attend the free meet up on Saturday, October 22nd from 2:00-5:00 at the pool at La Cruz Inn. There will be free wine until it runs out (courtesy of Katrina Liana), a cash bar, taco stand, and many fabulous door prizes. Speakers include Charlotte Kaufman, Michelle Williams, Eugenie Russell, Tamiko Willie, Pat Henry, Judy Jensen, and Katrina Liana. See you there, ladies!

    La Cruz Inn