
Events Calendar

PPJ Seminar - 35,000 miles of Lessons Learned from a Veteran Jumper

Pacific Puddle Jump Seminar Session - 35,000 Miles of Lessons Learned from a Veteran Puddle Jumper, Plus First Mate Perspective.

Keith and Susan Levy have experienced the Pacific Puddle Jump, as well as tens of thousands of miles' worth of valuable cruising experience beyond the Jump.  Keith and Susan will share the lessons that they have learned from their adventure.  Keith will speak more from the skipper's perspective, and Susan will speak from her perspective as first mate.  2011 PPJ skippers and first mates alike will benefit from hearing the lessons from both perspectives.

Who is invited:
Wednesday, 19 January 2011,  4:00 -  6:00

Contact: Bill Noonan


Vallarta YC