
Events Calendar

March 2017
  • Puddle Jump Kickoff Party

    Puddle Jump Kickoff Party

    This is a private event hosted by the Vallarta Yacht Club and Latitude 38. Andy Turpin, Managing Editor of Latitude will be on hand to welcome the fleet and wish you well on the crossing to the South Pacific.

    The Club is proud once again to co-host the send-off party for the participants in the Pacific Puddle Jump. All PPJers are invited to this fun annual event, to get to know more of the 2017 class of PPJ skippers and crew, exchange stories, share what you know about planning and preparing for the crossing, and offer good luck toasts all around.




Get Ready to Jump with Advice from the Experts

Join us for another great season of Pacific Puddle Jump Seminars, hosted by Vallarta Yacht Club and Latitude 38.

To view the schedule CLICK HERE (or save target to download) 

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