Events Calendar

Tuesday, 11 January 2022
  • 1:00 -  5:00  Baja Rummy & Dominoes (TUES,THUR) and MEXICAN TRAIN and CHOOSE YOUR GAME (MON,WED) Days

    Choose your game

    MEXICAN TRAIN and CHOOSE YOUR GAME DAYS are Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 pm to 5 pm. You are invited to the Club Patio to play. Many games are available, or you may bring your own equipment. Play Cribbage, Mahjong, Scrabble, Hearts, Mexican Train, Dominoes or form a Bridge Group, learn or teach the game. Polish your Baja Rummy.;Everyone is welcome to join the action: singles, partners, couples, all ages, any language. Use the translator app if you're really stuck! The ;White Board is the place to announce your search for partners or opponents, or to set up a challenge. If you want to learn a game, or are willing to teach, note that too.

    Come to the Club on CHOOSE YOUR GAME DAY, meet some new friends and have fun. Food and beverage service is available from Picante.

    Tuesday and Thursday schedules of Baja Rummy and Dominoes remain as usual 1 pm to 5 pm.

    Current Covid protocols will be followed, including social distancing.

    Vallarta Yacht Club (Patio)

  • 5:30 -  7:30  New Member Appreciation and Open House



    Out of an abundance of caution, we are postponing this event for a couple of weeks due to our understanding of the current restrictions in the area and the high number of reported Covid cases. When we reschedule, I will let everybody know!


    Vallarta Yacht Club