Events Calendar

Tuesday, 17 March 2009
  • BBR Tickets On Sale at VYC

    Buy your tickets for the Awards Celebration now! $200 pesos, for sale at the VYC.  Party will be at the Paradise Village Beach. Full Mexican buffet, dancing, live music by Philo and the Mexican Shuffle Band.

  • 9:30 - 12:00  Skippers Meeting Sign-in and Seminar

    All Banderas Bay Regatta skippers must attend this mandatory meeting.  At 9:30, check in to receive your Sailing Instructions handouts.  Must sign VYC Liability form, also must show proof of purchase of at least 2 tickets for the Awards Celebration.  At 10:00, the Skippers Meeting will commence and Race Safety Seminar.

    VYC back terrace

  • 4:00 -  7:00  Welcome Reception - BBR - Live Music & Dance

    All sailors,  VYC members , guests are invited to the big kick-off event for the Banderas Bay Regatta.   Starts with a Mariachi serenade, then the famous Folklorico Mexcaltitan doing dances from across Mexico. Not to be missed!  DINOCROC crew will be filming too!

    Afterwards, enjoy dinner at the VYC!

    For St. Patrick's Day there will be a special Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner with Chicken or Fish as other options, along with a green salad, vegetables and dessert. Come and drink a St. Patricio's green margarita. Dinner cost is 180 pesos for members, 230 pesos for non members.

    Paradise Village Amphitheater

  • 6:00 -  9:00  St. Patrick's Day Dinner

    Special Corned Beef and Cabbage St. Patrick's Day Dinner with Chicken or Fish as other options, along with a green salad, vegetables and dessert. Come and drink a St. Patricio's green margarita. Dinner cost is 180 pesos for members, 230 pesos for non members.