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Friday, 15 January 2010
Friday, 15 January 2010

9:00 - 11:00  Community Network Breakfast by US Consular Agency


Questions & Comments to Kelly Trainor at: .


US Consular Agency Community Network Breakfast at 9:00 am at the VYC. $90 pesos includes a full breakfast and tip!  The Breakfast is a place to network, make new friends, greet old ones, and find out what’s going on in the Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta. This month, we ask that you “Bring a Thing” to support the Bucerias Bilingual Community Center. Needs include: learning-english workbooks for kids 8-12 and adults, bilingual dictionaries, craft supplies, office supplies.  If you are a newcomer to the area, there is a special group of people to meet you, chat with you and welcome you. Make your reservation today! Sign up at the VYC or email .

9:00 - 10:00  Pilates Class

Pilates Classes taught by Jajana will be offered every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00 AM in the Yacht Club lower pool area level in the shade. The cost is 100 pesos per week (MWF). The classes are open to Yacht Club Members, Guests and People with slips in the Marina.

These will be mat classes.  Later classes will also use bands and a small ball, information on these materials will be provided in the opening classes. All you need is a mat for the first class.  If you do not have a mat, you can pick one up at Walmart.

Jajana is a very qualified and experienced teacher. She has been teaching Aerobics, Callaethics and Pilates for 22 years, and received her spinning certification 2 years