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08 December 2019 - 14 December 2019
08 December 2019 - 14 December 2019

Junior Sailing Program Regata

VYC Junior Sailing Program Regata out of La Cruz!   Boating Day on Sunday, December 8 - please come and join in the fun of watching our youth on the water!thumb Opti3

La Cruz - VYC

5:00 -  7:00  New Member Open House

thumb open houseDecember New Member Open House - Open to All - with Alter Ego Jazz!    50% off Initiation Fee for new members who join this month!


1:00 - 10:00  Banderas Bay Blast & Pirates for Pupils

Blast Art small 


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1:00 - 10:00  Banderas Bay Blast & Pirates for Pupils

Blast Art small 


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1:00 - 10:00  Banderas Bay Blast & Pirates for Pupils

Blast Art small 


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Register Here (Click)


6:00 - 10:00  Banderas Bay Blast Party
Vallarta Yacht Club