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Saturday, 12 November 2022
Saturday, 12 November 2022

12:00 - 10:00  J70 Monthly Regatta

J70 start North SailsSome of the best sailors in Mexico compete in the Mexican J70 class, and they have chosen VYC to be their home base for winter events. Come out and see these amazing sailors compete.

Vallarta Yacht Club / Banderas Bay

12:00 - 10:00  Noche de Casino/Casino Night Fundraiser

VYCCASINONIGHT transp 150Inviten a sus amigos y vengan a una noche divertida de juegos de casino. Este evento beneficiará el programa de veleo juvenil de Vallarta Yacht Club. Habrá una rifa, una subasta y mucho más!

Bring your friends and join us for an evening of casino gambling games and good food. This event will benefit our VYC Junior Sailing Program. There will be a raffle, a silent auction and much more!


6:00 - 10:00  Casino Night Fundraiser


Estimados socios Les recordamos que el proximo sabado 12 

estan todos invitados a la noche de casino a beneficio del programa juvenil de Vela

Habra Rifas , Subastas Juegos de mesa, loteria y Buffet Taquiza

Admision Adultos $ 400.00 incluye cena y primera ronda de fichas pesos niños menores de 12 años $ 200. pesos niños que estan suscritos en el programa de vela gratis

Dear Members : Next saturday Nov. 12th you are invited to the Casino Night on Benefit of the Junior Sailing Program

There ill be Rafle, Live & silent auctions, Lottery  and a delicious Taco Buffet

Admission: 400.00 pesos price include dinner and first game chips

kids under 12 half price

Vallarta Yacht Club