• Programma de Navegación Junior

    Una experiencia de navegación y social para todas las edades

    Navegación Junior
  • Carreras de yates

    En uno de los mejores lugares de carreras de yates del mundo

    En el agua
  • En la Bahía de Banderas

    Gran barco durante todo el año

    Recursos meteorológicos
  • Una casa club en el paraíso

    Bar y restaurante completo

    Picante Restaurante

Events Calendar

Events for
Monday, 13 March 2023
  • 4:00 -  5:00  Let's talk hiking with Wendy Wendy!

    hiker.webpWhen we venture off the city sidewalks, into nature, we discover a whole naturally evolving world.

    Our very own living, growing, and ever changing natural landscapes. What's the best part of these adventures, YOU don't have to maintain it, just walk in and enjoy different life cycles happening before your very eyes!

    Some of the topics discussed will include safety, terrain ranging from easy to difficult, wildlife, why our climate is different, and a few more important points.

    So let's mark our calendars for March 13, 2023! Don't be shy, and please bring a friend!

    I look forward to sparking a new interest in you at VYC!


    Vallarta Yacht Club